Administrative Assistant Miranda Hall – Territorial Correctional Facility

Administrative Assistant Miranda Hall was hospitalized for pregnancy complications. During that time, her baby boy Cooper was born prematurely.  Cooper had to be transferred to a hospital 200 miles away that was better suited to give him the medical care that he needed.


Miranda was not transferred with him. Upon her discharge from the hospital, she was able to travel the 400 miles round trip to see her son.  Both are now home and doing well.


From Miranda:

“I want to thank the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation for providing financial assistance while my son was in the NICU. Cooper was in the NICU at St. Francis Hospital for three weeks due to being premature and having complications with his birth. Cooper and I could have lost our lives the night he was born. He is finally home and doing amazing, gaining weight and hopefully will be off of oxygen soon. When CPOF found out what happened, they stepped in and helped. I can’t thank you enough for helping us!

Miranda and Cooper Hall”


We will keep Miranda and Cooper in our thoughts and prayers! We can’t wait until he’s submitting his own scholarship application in the future! Best Wishes to the Hall Family.

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