Montgomery County Sheriff Deputy Charles Rivette

On February 21, 2024, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Texas suffered a tragic loss.


Montgomery County Sheriff Deputy Charles Rivette and Deputy James Francis were transporting an inmate on February 21st when their vehicle was involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler. Deputy Francis survived with serious injuries, but Deputy Rivette died at the scene.


Deputy Charles Rivette faithfully served his community as a Deputy Sheriff for 18 years. He is survived by his beloved wife Jenyfer, and his three children, Tyler, Adilynn, and Ava. His absence will be deeply felt by his brothers and sisters in the Transport and Bailiff division, who mourn alongside the family.


On Thursday, February 29, CPOF’s National Honor Guard joined MCSD and other teams and agencies from across the region and country to pay respects to Deputy Rivette. This was the first line of duty death the department had experienced since April 7th, 1876.


The Rivette family’s pastor, Roger Obregon at Community Transformation Church in New Caney, also spoke at the funeral describing Charles as a dedicated deputy, father, and husband.


“A gentle-giant, Deputy Rivette, [he was] loving, kind, faithful, and true. He loved being a deputy but he also loved being a husband, a father, and I’d like to say he loved being a member of our church. He volunteered and served faithfully. You know there were people in our church that didn’t realize he was a deputy, that’s how quiet he is,” said Obregon. “A word to describe Deputy Charles Rivette is found in Psalms 116:15, ‘Precious in the eyes of the Lord are the death of his saints.’ Deputy Rivette is a saint.”


A statement from MCSD read:

“The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank The Woodlands Church, all motorcycle units from across the entire region, all assisting honor guard teams from all over the country, and anyone who contributed to the tremendous support for Deputy Rivette’s memorial service. We are profoundly moved by the outpouring of camaraderie from all other law enforcement agencies, our citizens, and community. It was incredible to see all our citizens out saluting and paying their respects as Deputy Rivette’s procession passed through the county he died serving. It is comforting to know that in the hour of our grief, our community allowed us the grace to grieve and pay the honors owed to this man. Thank you, Montgomery County, for the privilege of serving you.

Rest easy Charles, J1005, your brothers and sisters will take it from here.”


Please join all of us at CPOF in keeping Deputy Rivette in your thoughts and prayers.

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