The impact of PROJECT 2000 and CPOF

If you talk to anyone that volunteers with CPOF or is passionate about what the foundation does and you ask them why, most times, you’ll get the same answer back. “I went to PROJECT and it changed everything.”  PROJECT 2000 and the impact it has on people is something that can only be experienced. It’s 4 days of fellowship, support, recognition and understanding from those within Corrections that truly get it. It cannot be replicated, it cannot be defined.


The final day of PROJECT 2000 concludes with the annual farewell breakfast. It’s a time where the kids take the stage, the colors are retired, the last performance of the pipers takes place and the mic is passed around the room to anyone who would like to share their experience and what this time has meant to them. Below, you can watch farewell breakfast from 2023. At about an hour and 7 minutes in, you can watch the testimonies of some of the attendees.



We hope to see you all at PROJECT 2000 XXXV in Seattle, Washington, June 2024.



Fallen But Not Forgotten

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