Category: News

North Carolina

North Carolina is often represented by our CPOF Field Representatives Laura Matthews and Scott Bauer, in addition to the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction Honor Guard Team.   Laura Matthews retired as a Chief Probation Parole Officer from the North Carolina Department of Correction in 2013. Shortly after, she became the Field Representative for […]

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Honor Guard Team

The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation has been incredibly fortunate to have Honor Guard Teams from across the nation and Canada join us at PROJECT 2000. In addition to seeing these teams at PROJECT 2000, we often see them through the year at other ceremonies and events.   We would like to share why Pennsylvania’s Honor […]

Lost Creek, Kentucky

When a Natural Disaster hits an area, restoring parks, playgrounds and other places of entertainment are often one of the last things thought of. On the overwhelming list of priorities for a community it isn’t always feasible to have time and resources put into rebuilding or recreating these places.   In July of 2022, Lost […]

Jim Brown Bench Dedication at Folsom State Prison

  One of the great passions of fallen Board Member Jim Brown was the preservation of history at Folsom State Prison. For over 20 years he served as the Operations Manager of the Big House Prison Museum on the grounds of Folsom State Prison. He and Robert Ebbitt (along with countless volunteers) served on the […]

1,631 miles

Within 3 days, this Nation lost two active-duty correctional staff members in different parts of the country. Community Parole Officer  Christine Guerin-Sandoval in  Colorado and Officer  Robert Clark of Georgia. They were seperated by 1,631 miles.   As people, our first instinct when talking to a family going through the heartbreak of such a malicious […]

Counselor Edwin Ramsey – N Kern

Counselor Edwin Ramsey faced the unexpected loss of his wife, Janie, in June of 2023. Counselor Tracy York referred him to CPOF so we could be there to assist him and his family during their time of need.  

Lieutenant Stephen Ledesma – San Quentin

The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation often relies on contacts within institutions to let us know when correctional staff need help. Arnold Daniel at San Quentin has been a tremendous asset when it comes to ensuring the staff members he works with not only know about CPOF, but that CPOF knows about them when they need […]

Correctional Officer Lucas Fox

Correctional Officer Lucas Fox of SCI Mahanoy is married and a proud father of Jacob (4) and Adam (2). Earlier this year, Jacob was diagnosed with Leukemia. His treatments have required him to be hospitalized while Officer Fox and his wife, Jessica, also have a 2 year old at home. Jessica does not receive paid […]

Community Supervision District 9 annual Employee Appreciation Day

Working in Corrections is often a thankless job. It’s a job that is often considered invisible. Society wants criminals locked away from their communities, but they often don’t think about where that person is going to be during the duration of their sentence. And they rarely consider the brave individuals that work to keep them […]

Brady Roberts – Scholarship Recipient

The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation is proud to introduce Brady Roberts, Scholarship Recipient.   Brady sent in this letter to thank CPOF for their generous scholarship!