Hurricane Helene – Florida

CPOF’s first goal during a National Disaster is ensuring that correctional staff are safe. We do everything we can to provide catastrophic assistance to correctional staff as soon as humanely possible. Please check out some of the photos of staff receiving assistance checks, their letters and their thoughts.  If you are in need of assistance related to Hurrican Helene, please go to your warden’s office to request CPOF assistance.


Madison Correctional Institution
Sergeant Diana Moore
Septic tank uprooted & drain field destroyed; Trees leaning on home.


Madison Correctional Institution
L t R: Colonel Leon Corbin, Warden Amelia Hill, Correctional Officer Gary Fountain, Correctional Officer Mary Tillman, Correctional Officer Carrie Pierce, Major Charlton Dedge
Officer Fountain – Roof ridge cap missing; trees down, pump shed total loss.
Officer Tillman – Loss of siding on trailer
Officer Pierce – Water leaking from roof, damaged door and downed privacy fence.


Madison Correctional Institution
Culinary Arts Instructor Jennifer Kinzer
The Kinzer family was displaced from their home due to a massive tree falling and causing property damage. They also lost their vehicle in the storm.


Madison Correctional Institution
Correctional Officer Kenyia Davis – tree fell through roof causing ceiling to leak. Side of home was made of bricks and collapsed.


Madison Correctional Institution
Correctional Officer Lasage Ferguson – tree fell through roof causing ceiling to fall and severe water damage inside home.


Madison Correctional Institution
Correctional Officer Shalonda Caldwell – damage to home, siding panels blown off and shingles missing from roof.


Madison Correctional Institution
Front Row – Correctional Officer Victoria Smith, IOP Counselor David Carter
Back Row: Colonel Leon Corbin, Sergeant Jeffery Hasty, Lieutenant James H. Hatcher, Major Charlton Dedge
Officer Smith – Siding and Skirting blown away from home
Counselor Carter – Tree fell crushing daughters bedroom as well as the bathroom and the living room. The damage caused a hole in the roof and water damage throughout the home.
Sergeant Hasty – Shingles came off of the roof and a window was broken.
Lieutenant Hatcher – broken water pipes, shutters and siding ripped away, skirting destroyed


Madison Correctional Institution
Sergeant Rainy Bailey – tree fell on roof causing damage to inside and outside of home.


Madison Correctional Institution
Librarian Wilmarie Beach’s carport was thrown into her house during Hurricane Helene causing massive damage to her home.


Madison Correctional Institution
Senior Program Rebecca Villanueva had a large pine tree fall on her trailer causing serious damage to roof, which requires large equipment to remove. Trees also fell on septic tank & blocking driveways.


Madison Correctional Institution
Correctional Officer Moises Delgado had a tree fell on house causing major roof damage and interior cracking. The house is not safe to live in currently.

Madison Correctional Institution
Sergeant Joseph Miles had damage to his roof resulting in water damage to his furniture and belongings.

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