Catastrophic Assistance Program

CPOF members who are affected by an injury, illness, or other event which impacts their finances may be eligible for our Catastrophic Assistance Program.

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Catastrophic Assistance Details

Who Qualifies for the Program?

CPOF defines “catastrophic” as when an officer or staff member at a correctional facility, because of a catastrophic illness, injury, or event, suffers severe financial hardship.

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Verification Is Necessary

Our resources are finite. CPOF’s catastrophic coordinator and local contacts must verify the extent of the financial need. Assistance is not intended to supplement an entire paycheck.

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Is Travel for Treatment Covered?

In case of illness or injury, if extensive travel is involved in obtaining treatment or therapy for the applicant, their spouse or dependent children, financial assistance may be provided to help with medical travel expenses.

Is Bereavement Covered?

In bereavement situations, financial assistance is limited to the applicant, their spouse or dependent children if there is a dire need and no insurance or other finances are available.

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What Other Events are Covered?

The CPO Foundation Board of Directors will strongly consider assisting Correctional staff in situations related to natural disasters, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, and tornadoes.

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Necessary Documentation

We may request documentation such as a medical diagnosis, fire reports, and so on. We may also request a completed financial worksheet to support minimum monthly living expenses and monthly income.

How to Apply for the Catastrophic Assistance Program

If you or a co-worker are in need of assistance, please completely fill out the appropriate form and return to our office via mail, fax or email. Contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.

On each assistance application we receive, whether directly from the applicant or a co-worker, we will immediately touch base with their facility. 

There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. We work with the facility and Department of Corrections in assisting correctional staff. 
  2. We want the facility to know what we are doing and why.
  3. We need to verify the facts.  We are not questioning the integrity of the applicant or their co-worker. However, we need to know without a doubt the financial need does exist and all steps have been taken to lessen or alleviate the situation.

We always act with care and caution, as it is not our money. It comes from monthly donations made by our supporting members, and we must be responsible stewards of these funds.

Once we have received all required supporting documentation, the Catastrophic Coordinator will submit a recommendation to the CPO Foundation Board of Directors based on the documentation and information compiled. The Board will then review the case. This can take 8 to 10 days subsequent to receiving all required documentation. Once a final decision is made, the applicant will be notified by phone, email or written correspondence.

We’re Here to Support You

Whether You’re Furthering Your Education or Just Need Help, Reach Out

The CPOF provides support to members who are experiencing financial crises, as well as those who are attending college.

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