Become a Member Application

Become a Member of CPOF today!

You can easily become a member of The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation by utilizing our Bankdraft or Lump Sum application below. Signing up online is the fastest and easiest way to become a member.

Payroll Deduction

Payroll deduction is offered in many states and counties. The requirements vary from state to state and county to county. Some require paper applications with physical signatures, while some allow you to complete your membership online. Regardless of whether or not your state or county offer payroll deduction, you are eligible to become a member utilizing the bankdraft/lump sum application above. All payroll deduction applications require additional processing time and will not take immediate effect. If you would prefer to not delay your application process, please utilize the above application for bankdraft/lump sum.

If you would like more information to see if you’re eligible for payroll deduction, please continue below. If your state or county is not listed, payroll deduction is not available. Please use our Bankdraft/Lump sum application above to join CPOF.