Lost Creek, Kentucky

When a Natural Disaster hits an area, restoring parks, playgrounds and other places of entertainment are often one of the last things thought of. On the overwhelming list of priorities for a community it isn’t always feasible to have time and resources put into rebuilding or recreating these places.


In July of 2022, Lost Creek, Kentucky was hit by devestating flooding. Forty-three people lost their lives in this disaster.  Entire homes were washed away, and many others were destroyed, unable to be restored. Many people lost everything. This is a former mining town where families have lived for generations. Even after the mines closed, people stayed. Losing their homes many people had to resort to living in tents.


The community rallied together to rebuild, to be there for their families, friends and neighbors long after the media coverage ended. And they continue to do so.


The only playground and ballpark that existed were at the Riverside Christian School. Kids in the community would gather to play ball, soccer or just have fun on the small playground or large grounds. The flood took all of that away. It will take time for the community to rebuild and restore.


It has been over a year since the flooding. A year without this playground and ballpark. A year since the kids of this community had a place to gather and call their own within their community.


Make-A-Smile is a non-profit organization whose mission is to rebuild and restore parks lost to disaster. The founders saw the devastation to communities following Hurricane Katrina and how desperately these kids needed their parks and playgrounds back. Now, for over 15 years, they have done just that. The 2023 Project found them in Lost Creek, Kentucky. Vice-Chairman, Don Dease, a passionate supporter of the efforts Make-A-Smile makes to “Take Care of Our Own” worked tirelessly this year to not only help them fundraise for the $100,000 project but also lent a helping hand.  Don was joined by CPOF members from three institutions close to the park to help rebuild.


Eastern Kentucky Correctional Center employees volunteering for the Make-A-Smile Project in Lost Cree, KY

Left to Right: EKCC K9 team: Nathan Elam, Steven Wright, Jessica Bownman, Teddy Ching, Fancy Elam, Bryant Lafferty, Don Dease, Nathan Bowman, Abe Felton, Cody Risneer, Wesley Watkins, Don Williams (SSCC).


A quick break to refuel before getting back to work!

Left to Right: CPOF Members Ricky, Banks, Austin Trent, Don Dease, Maylea Haney, Jason Crabtree, James Stiltner, Jaylen Holbrook, Jonathan Slone, Alex Cline, Joseph Stambaugh

Shown above are Volunteers from  Lee Correctional Institution



Don is pictured above with Brandi Vogel, HR Director and CPOF supporter. We would like to especially thank Brandi for being there for correctional staff in Kentucky and sharing with them how CPOF can be there during their time of need.


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