Lieutenant Stephen Ledesma – San Quentin

The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation often relies on contacts within institutions to let us know when correctional staff need help. Arnold Daniel at San Quentin has been a tremendous asset when it comes to ensuring the staff members he works with not only know about CPOF, but that CPOF knows about them when they need us the most.

Lieutenant Stephen Ledesma at San Quentin was diagnosted with cancer cells on his pancreas. In March of 2023 he had surgery to remove the cells and was hospitalized for 9 days. Lieutenant Ledesma is still out of work and fighting his battle against cancer. CPOF has been there for he and his family to try and lessen the burden in any way possible.

Please join us in keeping Lieutenant Ledesma in your thoughts.  Thank you Correctional Officer Daniel for ensuring CPOF can be there.

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