Rose Williams – Georgia Field Representative


As we continue down our path of getting to better know our field representatives, please meet Rose Williams, one of two Georgia Field Representatives.


Rose M. Williams is originally from Milledgeville, GA. She is the mother of Captain Nikki Renfroe, who retired with 30 years of service from Georgia State Patrol.


Rose began her career with the Georgia Department of Corrections in the late 1970s. She worked every position in security, starting as a Correctional Officer. Through the course of her career, she promoted to Correctional Officer II, Transfer Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Warden of Security and then Warden.  Rose retired after 34 years of public service in 2007.


After retiring, Rose received the call to start a Sergeant’s Academy for the Department of Corrections and assist the Department of Juvenile Justice as a Superintendent for six months while the facility awaiting a permanent appointment. In 2008, Rose was appointment to the Georgia Board of Corrections. She remains a Board Member today, having been appointment by three different Governors.


In 2007, National Director Mr. Don Dease introduced the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation to Rose. After hearing the presentation about the foundation, and it’s motto, she and many of her employees became members.


“I was so grateful to Don for introducing CPOF to DOC. There is no other Foundation or Organization that I know of that helps Correctional Employees like CPOF. I feel honored talking with DOC, DJJ, and the County Prisons about CPOF.”


Just a few months after being trained by Judy Dease and Gary Evans to be the Georgia Representative, Rose witnessed first hand what CPOF means when they say “Taking Care of Our Own.”


On Thursday, October 11, 2012, Correctional Officer Larry Stell was fatally stabbed by an inmate at the Telfair State Prison in Helena, Georgia. Officer Stell had been with the Georgia Department of Corrections for 11 years when his watch ended. Rose was there to see CPOF take care of his family at home and at work.


Georgia Field Representative Rose Williams can be reached at 478-342-1178 or

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