What is the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation?


If you ask this question, you’ll get a variety of answers. You’ll learn about officers and staff members killed in the line of duty, you’ll learn about scholarships and catastrophic programs. You’ll hear stories about when they were there for someone when no one else was.  You’ll learn the history and the motivation behind the start of the organization. The only consistent answer you’ll hear every time is our mission:


“Taking Care Of Our Own”


And CPOF does this each and every single day.


The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation has worked hard since it’s inception to ensure that correctional staff were taken care of and supported on both sides of the walls.  It began with taking care of the orphans and widows of Correctional Staff in the unfortunate case of death and involved to being there for staff who survive assaults. Over the course of nearly 40 years, it has been able to include supporting staff members as they go through their darkest personal challenges to helping staff and their families go to college or pursue secondary education.


When the organization first started, it was five guys that worked at a prison that just wanted to do more. They were strong men with big hearts and an even bigger vision. They gravitated towards those that were also inspired to ensure that no matter the hardship, no one walked through it alone. And while it may have started in California, they were proud to help staff from all walks of life through this nation.


Over the last 39 years, CPOF has directly dispersed over $30,000,000 (yes, thirty million dollars!!) to correctional brothers and sisters when they needed it most. They ensured that no one walked the toughest beat out there alone.


Not only that, but they had the wisdom to surround themselves with likeminded individuals who selflessly put those in need in front of themselves. Sadly, over the last few years, most of the founding fathers of CPOF have passed. As they grew and developed over the years, they sought out those who shared their passion to keep the organization going.  The current board of directors work to continue to grow the foundation and improve the way it operates so it can be here for generations to come.


There are still more ways to help. More ways to reach staff that may not have ever heard of CPOF. Share your story, share why you’re involved, volunteer, encourage new staff to become members. If you want more ways to help, reach out on our contact us page for additional ways to be involved.

Fallen But Not Forgotten

View the stories of our brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives while fulfilling the duties of their chosen profession.

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