South Carolina Field Representative

The Correctional Peace Officers Foundation is proud to have several reps nationally that are available to assist correctional staff and their families in their time of need. Not only do field representatives work to increase membership, they are often the first to be there to help correctional staff in their time of need. They are proud of their profession and proud of the role they play in being there for one another.


Over the next several weeks, we wil be introducting you to some of our representatives from different parts of the country. Today, we will be starting with Retired Captain Gary Evans from South Carolina.


Gary R Evans is the South Carolina Field representative. He spent 8 years in the Army/National Guard priod to beginning a career with the South Carolina Department of Corrections. Over the span of a 25 year career, Gary promoted through the ranks from Officer to Captain. During that time he served as a dorm officer, sergeant over lockup and lieutenant over death row. The last 14 years of Gary’s career was spent as a criminologist at the training academy. He retired from that position.


In 1996, Gary started as a volunteer with CPOF. CPOF had been formed only 14 years before that. He attended his first PROJECT 2000 in 2003 in Charleston, South Carolina. Since then, he has attended many different conferences across the United States, such as the United States Deputy Wardens Conference, the Southern States and ACA to name a few. In December of 2011, Gary became a full-time representative for CPOF.


Gary and his lovely wife have been married for 37 years.  Their family consists of their son and daughter, as well as two beautiful grandaughters. In his Correctional retirement, Gary spent over 20 years as a youth Pastor at his local church before retiring.  He also served as Commissioned Chaplain for the Correctional employees -Endorsed by The Southern Baptist convention since January 2007. 17 years after graduating high school, he went to Andersonville Baptist Seminary where I received an Associate’s degree in Biblical Studies prior to becoming an ordained minister in 2006.


Gary can be found throughout the great state of South Carolina sharing what CPOF does. At PROJECT 2000, he serves as an integral part of the travel team, ensuring everyone gets where they need to go, regardless of whether the sun as rose yet.


Watch the video below to hear Gary tell what prompted him to become involved with CPOF back in 2009.



We thank you for your dedicated service Gary and look forward to seeing you every chance we get!

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