64 Seconds of Destruction

On Friday, March 24, 2023, an EF-4 tornado touched down and created a devastating path through the towns of Rolling Fork and Silver City, MS. Flattening most blocks of Rolling Folk, it reduced approximately 90% of the homes to piles of rubbish, while flipping cars, and toppling the town’s water tower. This tornado took the lives of 26 people and wounded dozens of others in 64 seconds.

Officer Priscilla Tenner, of the Department of Public Safety, was on duty to Mississippi’s Correctional Peace Officers Foundation’s field representative, Vanessa Lee, a tour through the inner-city paths of destruction. She told of us of the small family where the father placed their baby inside a closet in their home to keep them safe from the destruction. Once the tornado passed, he opened the closet door to find the closet completely gone.

As you look through some of these photos, you will see homes that survived the storm while others merely across the street were destroyed. Sadly, you see a glimpse of this storm’s destructive nature. You will notice First Baptist Church-still standing with only its steeple lying on the ground in front of it; as if someone had placed it there. Also note that most of the town’s wooden statues are still standing.

As the towns stood broken and brave, confused and overwhelmed, Vanessa was there to represent the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation and provide personal hygiene and feminine products, socks, towels, soap, lotions, shampoo etc. to the survivors of Rolling Fork and Silver City.

Leaders from the Central Correctional Facility Minnie Coleman and Yolanda Riley supported the cause as well, providing the families with can goods and can openers, paper towels, and plastic bowls, etc.

Correctional Peace Officers Foundation sends our prayers and support to the survivors of this horrible disaster. We are there with our Correctional Brothers and Sisters during this time.  Thank you Vanessa for proudly representing us and being on the ground during their time of need.

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